Engine Oil & Filter Change

Engine Oil & Filter Change

Your car engine generates a substantial amount of heat due to friction between working components inside. To help pull the heat away from the combustion, engine oil acts as a cooling lubricant agent as it circulates throughout the engine. At the same time, harmful particles absorbed by the engine oil will be accumulated in the oil filter which filters out the debris and contaminants for clean, free-flowing oil. Therefore, engine oil and its filter work hand-in-hand to keep your car’s engine operating at optimum performance.

Improper interval of getting your car engine oil and its filter changed can be damaging as sludge will begin to build up. To ensure your car functions at optimum safety and efficiency, our Engine Oil and Filter Change offers a 10-points Check-Up as complimentary:

  • Engine oil and oil filter
  • Auto transmission fluid
  • Power steering fluid
  • Brake fluid
  • Radiator coolant
  • Wiper blades
  • Windscreen fluid
  • Lights
  • Tire Pressure
  • Battery

*Only genuine parts used for all replacements.

These are added services when taking our Engine Oil and Filter Change:

  1. Replacement of old engine oil and oil filter with the new one
  2. Cleaning of Air & *A/C filter
  3. Cleaning of Engine Bay
  4. Top up windshield wiper tank
  5. Adjusting tire pressure
  6. Complimentary 10-points checkup.

In addition, Grand Lube offers popular and reputed brands of Engine Oil and our team are experts in Japanese, American and European vehicle brands.

Engine Oil & Filter Change Benefits:

  1. Engine run smoothly at lower temperature
  2. Longer engine life
  3. Protects engine
  4. Worry-free emission test
  5. Keep engine at peak condition
  6. Fuel efficiency
  7. Oil change gives you better mileage
  8. Makes your vehicle eco-friendly
  9. Enhance engine efficiency.

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